Preparation for rubbish removal services in your local area

Waste disposal companies perform an important task that benefits communities. When rubbish piles up, it doesn’t merely generate a terrible stench or create an eyesore that reduces property value. It attracts insects, mice, rats and other pests that damage structures and landscapes. It also helps spread diseases that can cause severe illness and even death.

How can you prepare your rubbish optimally to help these companies and protect your home,  business and community?

Use Rubbish Bins in Appropriate Ways

Many people throw all of their rubbish into a single bin with no consideration of local rules for disposal of recycling or special waste. They fail to realise that companies often refuse to pick up rubbish mixed in one bin. Property owners and renters also don’t often consider that rubbish can pile up and weigh a great deal between pickups.

Use bags, liners and caddies in wheeled bins to help make organisation and pickup easier. Follow local rules for disposing of waste based on bin colour. For example, in some regions, you must use blue for recycling, brown for garden clippings and green or grey for non-special household waste.

Investigate the Company and Its Policies

If you can choose your disposal company, always check that they registered their business with an environmental agency. Some waste disposal companies illegally fly-tip waste in remote spots.

Additionally, always ask any waste disposal company that you use about their bin and disposal policies, especially their requirements for disposing special waste, such as confidential, flammable, hazardous and special-household waste, and any extra fees. Some companies can’t legally pickup certain materials. They might also charge extra for damage to their bins, lack of accessibility or extra, non-scheduled pickups.

Store the Waste Securely at All Times

Lastly, improperly stored waste can attract insects, unleashed pets and wild animals. Always make certain that you secure bins in an area that remains accessible to a disposal company but not animals. Make certain that everyone in your home or business secures the lids on each bin tightly. To protect children and pets, place flammable or hazardous waste (i.e. batteries, building waste, carpets, fluorescent tube lightbulbs, paint and petrol cans, tyres, and wires) and special-household waste (i.e. appliances, bed linens, bicycles, books, clothes, computers, freezers, furniture, hairdryers, toilets, tools and toys) in locked storage areas until you can take these items to disposal centres or charity organisations that accept bulk and special waste.